Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tearing Down the Walls Recommitment in 2009

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Socially Disadvantage communities and our youth time to come have taken someone else hit backwards in our nation from 2000 to 2008. What does 2009 hold for a nation plaque by racism, discrimination, and group injustice against our youth and our communities? Communities, youth, and families have continuously battled to feed their families and keep control of what is going on in the schools principles at home and in their neighborhoods. As I travel through the Southern Bible Belt states and over the Midwest, I continue to see the same old problems in this trillion-dollar nation that we live in call America. Gas prices are off the roof, imports are still fabulous our income, homes, and the price for life has taken us to foreclosure, while the rich continue to get richer and the poor stay socially disadvantage and under-served. The nation has lost its way due to the default of the American citizen judgment and values that have created insensitive Politian's which have not stood for the citizen that have elected them.

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How is Tearing Down the Walls Recommitment in 2009

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However, we can only fault ourselves the citizen that put these individuals in office. We can't blame whatever except our selves, for the mess in this country. Our vote for the right wing conservative politicians or politicians has gotten us in this mess. The problems regard foreclosures are due to the citizen not working and not having the proper finances to get through everyday life, jobs-income. If you don't have money you can't pay anybody. We can't blame it totally on greedy banks that don't help the community where their customers are because we allow it. We need to make these banks accountability for being in our neighborhoods. Too much money advent in ,and not adequate going into the communities that these Banks are serving. We need to take ownership of poor judgment with the services of corporations and financial institutions that want to be in our neighbors. Many of these clubs build in low -income areas but do nothing to revitalize the community except build high income homes to move out low-income families. The fault lies in the community for allowing these our government officials to have the power over us as they bail out big corporations and allow families to continue to struggle to feed each other.

Foreign sway controls our lives and the government gives permission to big company to take our jobs out of this country and leave us to homelessness, crime, and despair. Lou Dobbs of Cnn has continued to express his concerns on helping the citizen of this country and has asked the administration to reach out to the people. We as a nation are not demanding whatever of our government and allowing our government officials and Ceo's to rap this country blind and them take it oversees for big profits. We as a citizen don't share the same program to help one someone else and to keep our child safe as Dr. King work so hard to make these changes in America and the world. What can we do if whatever to savage a qoute that the state and local law makers don't want to touch?

Discrimination is an insult to a nation with citizen of all colors and values, but we still continue to divide our true principles in life. Not Caring!

Due to the growing Billions spent in Iraq many of our citizens and veterans are left homeless with a Trillion dollar bill that becomes a taxpayer's nightmare. All things is affected by this war in Iraq but our Politicians move on to the next phase of their lives and continues to rake in the money from their interest with big lobbyist. Our administration has become billionaires in 8 years and has continued to rap the country blind. The money that corporations and our politicians are getting from big lobbyist and contracts like Halliburton for Iraq and Afghanistan is a shame. This administration is and has been out of touch with mainstream America needs. Taxes cuts for the rich only help the rich. The rich continue to get richer and the other class of Americans in this country continues to lose All things they have worked so hard for. It's a lot talk about helping the American citizen but citizen in this country need immediate help not a lot of talk.

Cnn and other network broadcasting news stations are having argument about the cheaper and how the failing government can bailout big banks like Bear Stearns and watch politician raise millions of dollars to become the newly elected President of the United States, but we can't help the American citizen in New Orleans or get books in our dilapidated schools. Why does it cost so much to become President only to rap the citizen of this country once again. Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, and Senator McCain has spent millions for a campaign while the economcy is falling to it knees. It's a shame that they along with the rest of those Senators spend billions of dollars for a race that only helps the rich. Shouldn't you be tried of this kind of politics?

Minorities especially Black African American citizen in this country have been discriminated against for more then 400 years, yes, slavery ended but discrimination has went on and on. The unemployment rate is double when it come to African American and that has been the qoute sense slavery. African Americans are continually getting the shaft on the jobs, good schools, and within the community that they live in. Poverty in our communities is growing like a plague and the rich get richer and the poor stay poor, yes you have heard this before. The community and outreach centers for the under-served community have gone and we haven't substituted them, only to see empty and vacant buildings only to be torn down and sold to developers, while watching developers buy the land and build new homes that are out of reach financially for that community which is being displaced. Poor citizen just don't have an advocate with adequate muscle and power to make a turn in America.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., died in 1968 because he was the advocate for the under-severed (poor people) and they kill him for it. Dr. King was struggling to turn how citizen look at one another. Blacks living in New York or white citizen living in Mississippi or Kentucky without condition care is no distinct when it come to discrimination. It's being poor. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Fought to tear down the walls for injustice. He fought for equality and fairness but the rules turn rapidly and many of the issues he fought for went underground. Yes, we have had some strive in equality but it hasn't fixed a broken citizen yet in this country.

Washington, Dc and the power to be continued work the same way they have been for decades, but we as a citizen can make changes among our own lives to help one someone else and to cherish the values that we have in our families for this nation.

The Usda National Statistical assistance and U.S. Census Bureau, provides statistics of despair indicating a decrease in minority farming, loans, home buying, the list goes on and it continues to get worst. You don't need to have a degree in Business, Agriculture, or Mathematics to see that American minorities are hurting and no one cares. Just go to your local company and see the disparity among expert jobs, with Black-man/women, Hispanic-man/women and other minorities that make up this rich nation of our. The prices that the poor citizen pay is fabulous and it is going to get worst everyday.

In 2006 the Forbes Magazine posted it Forbes 400 Billionaires in this country. We should have citizen in this country that has exceeds the rules, but when it come at the cost of the citizen doing the work that a shame. Many of these Billionaires became wealth because person else did the work and they capture the riches by providing the management, guidance's, and money to get those riches. But we need to continue to help those that are less fortunate and help them perform they goals as well.

However, discrimination has continued to knock the doors down and others out of business. There has been a lot of celebration in the 20th century for many reasons, Civil ownership moments, and the death of Reverend Dr. Orange a civil ownership leader, the opportunity of the Rosa Parks Museum, and the 40th Anniversary of the tragic assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In Memphis, Tennessee and the list goes on. We should have leaned a lot sense Dr. King's death but the walls of injustice are still a part of African American citizen and it needs to be torn down and rebuilt so that group buildings or reorganization is done. Our community continues to put-up walls so our low-income American can't survive in an manufactures that make Trillions for some. Although racism and discrimination was even stronger them it has not lost any wind sense 1968.

Tearing Down The Walls should have been our first priority in the 20th Century but we are 4 months into the 2008 fiscal year and 2009 is staring us down. We should turn up the heat and eliminated the Walls that divide us. The power brokers in this country need to turn how they look at poverty and not shove it under the carpet. Many of these issues are continuing, growing problems in the middle of our country and we as a citizen need to continue the battle and make our leader accountable. Discrimination can be reformed by understanding the anger that has interrupted the strengthen for success. We need to reposition our values that fuel these problems and stand-up and fight for equal justice for all, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Did for All. His fire has all the time been in us, let's not give it back and fight for our rights.

By Dennis S. Murray Sr.

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