Monday, September 3, 2012

Thoughts of the Day - How Many Thoughts Do You Have in a Day - Have More

#1. Thoughts of the Day - How Many Thoughts Do You Have in a Day - Have More

Thoughts of the Day - How Many Thoughts Do You Have in a Day - Have More

So often citizen get so caught up in their daily grind that they stop thinking, when they get home they try to de-stress, but they turn on their Tv, the same one they have surrendered their mind too and let it flood data into their heads, most of which is completely irrelevant.

Thoughts of the Day - How Many Thoughts Do You Have in a Day - Have More

Well, it seems that; Ignorance, Arrogance and Complacency are nothing more than Precursors of Disaster, Devastation, Doom - doomed to repeat. Doomed, via the law of unintended consequences using the very definition of insanity they decry - I ask why?

And that my friends is my first belief of the day and the one that causes me to write this short article, so let's begin this daily monologue of thought. Perhaps if I take you straight through my thoughts from today, it might make you think and wake up your mind, maybe you might take it back from the smog of data or the flickering High Definition Tv in that living room cave of yours?

A friend today mentioned that the Multi-National Corporate Conglomerate knows No boundaries and he is definite inspecting that our World is growing closer and closer together now. After all we live in a Global store Place, there are good aspects to that as well as not so good issues, as well. He asked me;

Has the evolution of the multi-national corporation transcended all boundaries and societies to completely dominate and eliminate society's culture?

Well, I do not believe that multi-national branding has to delete culture, or regional flavor. Indeed, allowing for regional incompatibility by clubs helps them "sell more" and therefore they will consequent better when they do. In franchising (I am retired from the franchising industry) we always did, and we competed well.

Adaptation for specific markets is "good business" and it makes sense. Someday, who knows, a World Franchising System, could allow governments, nation-states to operate in similar monetary, trade markets using similar laws. Make the Whole World like the United States - or United Franchise System, so to speak. Then everybody would be on the same team.

The belief occurred to me that it could work, except during times when those in-charge were not working together, kind of like the Un or during change Management. Hat About Changing the Way We Think about How enterprise is Done? Is that possible? Today, I fulfilled, reading a book:

"Rewiring the Corporate Brain - Using the New Science to Rethink How We structure and Lead Organizations" by Danah Zohar - 1997.

And although I am not a new age type thinker, with all the spiritual fluff, wrapped colse to a quantum physics reality like a religion, the author did make some good points. And to one of those points and addressing such scenarios as the authors of "Co-opetition" where the time to come has in store from us a different store place were clubs present and cooperate for the tasteless good of all, without attacking and worrying about the competition, but rather focusing on the customers.

Sure, that could work and it would work a lot better if the corporation and the employees got along too and focused on what is best for all concerned, sometimes this happens but usually not. We just saw the Uaw assault at Gm and general Motors write down in the third quarter of 39 billion dollars. Then in the same Wall street Journal issue we read that Chrysler enterprise laying off 12,000 right after negotiation with the Uaw? All this while the Hollywood Writers Picket covering the Studios along side the Homeless - See the point?

Worker's Unions and Global Government Political Impasse are very similar and when one side blames another well, "there you go again!" and it occurred to me that If You Name it - "When you name it, you own it and if you own it, it owns you." Lance 2007. Even the Teamster Truck Drivers are out to get more right at a time when Us diesel prices are at the top point in our nation's history and oil is hovering near 0 per barrel, thus teamster truck drivers are at least for now - No Friend to Logistics.

Right after de-regulation of the commerce teamster drivers would run other independent truck drivers off the road. Hurting competition, raises prices for all of us, as it is like a tax on the over all society. Still, those truck drivers are Americans and now 750,000 truck drivers have joined the Truckers movable Watch agenda as part of the American Trucking Association. So all things is not black and white, no one side is evil and no side is innocent - too bad they will not all work together in a tasteless cause, because the efficiencies and economies of scale would be essential and add to the everyone's potential of life and standard of living.

But, how can you be sure as enterprise someone that you are hiring someone who will be a team player and not turn into a question for your clubs lowest line? You cannot tell by their resumes, which made me think about an article I read recently that stated; Long Resumes Becoming Popular. Is a resume that tells a story better to judge a possible team member?

In some companies, the employees are trained to do every job in the enterprise and thus, if there is ever a question or disruption, someone else can pick up the slack. If you will read the book; "The World on Time" by Fred Smith - the Fedex story you will see this point. during the California Fires a helicopter spotted a small fire that was growing, but instead of landing to try to put it out, they were told not to risk it and return to base, the fire spread and destroyed some structures within the hour.

Should all urgency personnel be trained to do some of this fire-fighting, even if on a small scale. What if we designed pick-up Truck transported Fire Suppression Spray ideas Devices for the Forest Service, Rural Mountain Communities and Area Residents? It has been proposed that new mini-fire suppression units needed for Usda Forest assistance workers in every vehicle. Could we get some of these devastating fires out before they grew to epic proportions, threatened property, lives and wipes out water supplies?

Or is such a belief naturally impossible due to the bureaucracy out there? And if government does nothing very well, then why let them do very much? Should the bureaucracy hold fake news conferences, like Fema did? Should the regulatory bodies of the Federal Government Pr their every move to prove to the citizenry that they are doing something, even when they are not? Is the bureaucracy so big that it cannot get out of its own way? This had me pondering the following questions, Perhaps worthy of time to come titles for articles:

Why the Justice Department's commerce Regulatory Bodies Fraudulently Deceive the consumer and Citizen How Government Regulating Agencies interpret their growth at the expense of the Taxpayers How Corporations Use Small Businesses as Banks during Recessions and Down Turns in Their Sectors How the Government Allowed Corporations to Crush Small Businesses - Case Study in Labor How Government Regulating Agencies interpret their growth at the expense of the Taxpayers
Indeed, we need to fix this question of government and if we do not we will drown in red tape, which is killing businesses both large and small. Do we need Regulation reduction to sacrifice retreat Risks - or is the retreat inevitable, as this ship cannot be turned fast adequate before it runs aground? Is there a way to stave off a retreat of shallow out its effects on our economy, middle class, currency and employment? I think there is a way, which made me think of writing an article titled:

Recession Proofing a Nation Using Franchising, Small enterprise Solutions and Entrepreneurial Training

Maybe, I will write this article and position myself as The transported Franchise Guru or something similar? What if we took such a belief and franchised it out to the world? Networks of net-centric systems to help the world, produce micro-businesses and habitats? Maybe, a book needs to be written on this subject; "Low Cost Third World village Systems - Wells, Power, Microloans, Shelters, Farming Tools - eBook Project"

If we do not do it now then who will do it? Will the next generation come up to the plate and hit a home run, or will we just have to work harder and live longer to do it ourselves, as Life prolongation in BioTech Advances. That's great, but will we run out of money helping all the baby boomers grow old, instead of getting them to fix the problems they were assigned and failed to fix? Do we let them off the hook, as it is not a very pretty photograph with Pensions, communal Security, medical assurance and In Home Care Personnel Shortages.

Still, I belief if the cheaper holds on then that will pay for the time to come funds to fix these issues. And yet everybody is debating about the so-called; arrival Us Recession, rather than doing something to advert it. The Headlines seem determined now, well at least to me? With CitiGroup, foreclosures soaring, Gm 39 billion dollar fee off, Morgan Stanley questions, Chrysler cutting 12,000 jobs and rather weak economic numbers?

So what's the answer, we have too many outflows from our nation, we are borrowing too much and we have too much bureaucracy and being taken advantage of by favorite nation trading partners. Still, Capitalism with Protectionism decays society rather than construction it Up and I am no party pooper to capitalism, I believe in fair trade like any true economist would, still, what happened to fair trade, are we indeed getting a fair shake?

Some say things will get better and the cheaper is good, but with housing, construction, transportation and Auto all hurting and issues on the horizon with retail, how can whatever say things are rosy? Yes, I believe that consumer belief is leading and probably accounts for one-third of the game, to keep it going and we do not need any lower consumer belief going into the Christmas Season, still I see that Us Retailers are gearing down and conserving arrival into the Christmas bend.

If that is not bad enough, we find that Al Qeada is plotting to assault Shopping Malls, stated an Fbi official, who called the threat data credible. Top this with higher fuel prices undoubtedly taking its toll on the consumer, and no more home-equity loan tricks for most consumers to pay off credit card debt and the Us Automakers that make up retail economic sales figures and they are currently tanked, improbable to remain low - one has to wonder about the economy.

Still, you know markets go up and they come down, commerce sectors do their rotations and it is all in the ebb and flow of the river of monetary flow. I guess it is similar to the politics of this modern Water Bill that was vetoed and over-ridden only to be continued, as there is more to the story, before it gets fully funded and spent. The query thus goes back to corporate growth, can it go on for ever, always expanding its yield and efficiency like Moore's Law or do we need to do a small tweaking on the way we do things?

Well, I need to get something to eat, it is nearly 10:00 am now and I have been busy mental for over an hour. So, I will continue these thoughts of the day article later, but I hope you will enjoy these thoughts and that it gets you mental too.

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